Photo Booth

Photo Booth
Camden & Riley Best Buddies

About Me

I am 34 years old and live in upstate New York with my husband and two children. I love to write, read, cook, entertain, travel, and absorb the world around me. This blog is a family web page, and a place for me to share our adventures with all of you.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Riley has her own language...

...and apparently a brother and sister I do not know about! She is always talking about her sister and brother (not Camden), and often she asks me if I remember when she and her sister did something. Is this normal?! She often makes up words too and tells me it is Spanish. I think that is cute. The other day she wanted to spray on some of my perfume so she asks, "I have p-u-fume?" All I could do is giggle. Then today I was telling the kids that I wanted to take a picture of them in their "pretty" clothes. Hysterical, Riley says, "Camden's not a girl. Girls wear pretty clothes. Boys wear 'housesum' clothes." Housesum? HUH?! She meant handsome, and boy did she struggle for that one. She told me it was Spanish. LOL. I am telling you she is quite the character; and you never know what story or word will come out her mouth.

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