Earth, Air, Fire & Water are the four elements that represent the natural resistance between love and conflict. These elements surround me daily, and it is with great acceptence that I find peace within each one.
I am 34 years old and live in upstate New York with my husband and two children. I love to write, read, cook, entertain, travel, and absorb the world around me. This blog is a family web page, and a place for me to share our adventures with all of you.
Riley did great at the pageant last night! She has been talking about the pageant for about 3 weeks and the night before we put her hair in lots of little buns so that it would be curly for the big day! Here are the photos...
She won Most photogenic (the larger tophy), best smile (the medal around her neck), and First Runner Up for her age group--3 & 4 year olds (the smaller trophy). She will be in the state competition in Syracuse Mid May. So we are looking for sponsors, and anyone interested in paying for an add in the program book let me know!
Yeah Riley!
1 comment:
Aaron and I were watching Todders and Tiaras on TLC and I told him that Sonia and Riley would totally be good at this and love this. That is so funny, I probably said it to him the same day you were at the pageant. I didn't know you were going to participate in one! funny
I have successfully completed two full years of homeschooling!!! WoooHoo! It had its challenges; however, it was a lot easier than I anticipated. I am also feeling a lot better and have been taking vitamin D supplements to help lift my happy hormones. I have cut back on my dairy, sugar, and gluten intake...and have found great improvements in my mood, energy, mind, and overall self. I started walking one hour, three times a week and occassionally work in a P90x workout. I have been faithful to God, and the kids and I are attending church most Sundays. I have recently discovered a new found happiness and am trying to live in the moment. Life is good, Summer is great, and there is so much to appreciate!!!!
Camden News
Camden has far exceeded my expectations this year! He has rapidly grown physically, emotionally, and mentally. It is hard to believe he is going to be 6 years old in August. His sense of humor has developed, as well as his sarcasim, attitude, and sense of control. Camden weighs 50 lbs, and is 48" tall. He loves to swim and played 2nd base and catcher this year for the Dexter Mets Grasshopper league baseball team. He still enjoys technology, especially the Wii and anything Mario. I have noticed lately how much his face is changing...he is starting to look like his daddy did as a small boy.
Riley News
Riley has completed her speech therapy and is doing extremely well with her speech. Her Ballet recital went very well this year and I am proud to say Riley really took the lead in her class up on the stage. Her favorite things to do are: Dance, Sing, write, and play hair dresser. Despite being extremely stubborn, she is such a great girl!
1 comment:
Aaron and I were watching Todders and Tiaras on TLC and I told him that Sonia and Riley would totally be good at this and love this. That is so funny, I probably said it to him the same day you were at the pageant. I didn't know you were going to participate in one! funny
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