Photo Booth

Photo Booth
Camden & Riley Best Buddies

About Me

I am 34 years old and live in upstate New York with my husband and two children. I love to write, read, cook, entertain, travel, and absorb the world around me. This blog is a family web page, and a place for me to share our adventures with all of you.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Riley's Friends

Here is a cute picture of Riley with her school friends! We went to McDonalds to celebrat Elliots 3rd birthday on Tuesday. Riley towers over Elliot and Hannah (who is 4). She is sooooo tall!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Weird Phone Call

I have been faced with A LOT of challenges in my life and I believe that each one has made me stronger. And when life is stressful enough and I think nothing else can challenge me I recieve an annonymous phone call from a man accusing Kevin of having an affair with his girlfriend. Ok so to clarify...Kevin did not have an affair...but in that moment how does one process this accusation?! FORWARDLY! LOL I have to admit I was very upset! But as soon as I got off the phone, I had a very nice conversation with Kevin. There are moments in my life that doubts and insecurities prevail, but I have faith that life goes on no matter what so eventually I defeit it. So with Kevin I point blankly asked about why this man would call me. (I was shaking--not really sure what I would hear--but strong enough to hear what ever came out of his mouth). Long story short, Kevin was honest with me, and I am confident in my marriage. Man, God has really been challenging me these days!

Sunburst Beauty Pageant

Riley did great at the pageant last night! She has been talking about the pageant for about 3 weeks and the night before we put her hair in lots of little buns so that it would be curly for the big day! Here are the photos... She won Most photogenic (the larger tophy), best smile (the medal around her neck), and First Runner Up for her age group--3 & 4 year olds (the smaller trophy). She will be in the state competition in Syracuse Mid May. So we are looking for sponsors, and anyone interested in paying for an add in the program book let me know! Yeah Riley!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

The kids and I had fun taking pictures of each other today!!! Here are some good ones!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Recital costume preview

Here is the costume to Riley's Tap class for recital. She is very sassy in it...and where did she learn those poses?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Camdens Kamote

I asked Camden to pass me the remote to the television and when he repeated it, he had quite a funny name for it. Camden says Kamote instead of matter how hard we try to get him to say it correctly, he insists on Kamote!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


So I have been cleaning for two days, yesterday was getting the upstairs organized, so today was about getting the downstairs put together and preparing for Superbowl...Riley helped me make brownies, and then the Ellis' came over to watch the game with us. Half time was the highlight for all of us!

Random photo

Here is a photo of Camden kissing Riley on her Birthday morning! I love this photo, it is so sweet! Camden buys Riley pink Roses for her birthday every year, and she was saying thank you to him when he gave her a birthday kiss.

Van Damage Photos

Here are the photos of the van's damage. The mechanic had already put the bumber back on to assess the damage, so these photos do not look as bad as the van did when the tow truck pulled it out...the whole bumber was pulled off and hanging.

Family Sledding Photo

Here is a photo of us after we had been sledding for about an hour...Riley was asleep for the first half, and then she joined us. It was really fun, all of us went down the hill, some more than others (Kevin). So much Fun!