Photo Booth

Photo Booth
Camden & Riley Best Buddies

About Me

I am 34 years old and live in upstate New York with my husband and two children. I love to write, read, cook, entertain, travel, and absorb the world around me. This blog is a family web page, and a place for me to share our adventures with all of you.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Camden's Art work

Camden loves to draw, and he is very detailed with his works of art. He even names his pieces. The photo titled "Dad" is of a daddy moose...look hard and you will see the antlers and the tail. the other photo is of he and Riley riding in the back of "Daddy's truck" although I think it looks more like the van. The front of the car has three lines that represent the horn honking, and the bubbles at the rear is "smoke." When I asked him where mommy was, he replied..."you are sitting next to me snuggling." he later changed his answer to "sitting next to dad in the front." I love the tread on the tires, the rear-view mirror, and the stop sign!

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