Photo Booth

Photo Booth
Camden & Riley Best Buddies

About Me

I am 34 years old and live in upstate New York with my husband and two children. I love to write, read, cook, entertain, travel, and absorb the world around me. This blog is a family web page, and a place for me to share our adventures with all of you.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

This morning I ran in the Turkey Run, a 5K race held every year! It was great! I finished with a time of 38 minutes 20 seconds, and place 274th! I do not know how many runners there really were but I would say about 400. As you can see, there is snow on the ground, and it has not stopped for 3 days! The roads were slick along the route, and at one point there was a huge puddle we all had to trudge through (thank God it was at the end of the course). It just started snowing really hard again, too. The girls with me in the picture are ladies from the gym that work out at the same time I do. We all motivated each other. I can now say I ran in a 5K! OOOAAHH! At the finish line Before the race

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Photo Shoot

Here are a handful of the 115 photos that were taken professionaly by Portrait Innovations on our recent trip to Pennsylvania. The kids did great considering we were in the car for 6 hour the evening before, and we had a restless night at the hotel (we were all up coughing, tossing, turning, etc...). Here are the kids in their school uniform. This is Camden and Riley in their formal photos. I will post Riley's Ballet photos at a later time.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Camden's Art work

Camden loves to draw, and he is very detailed with his works of art. He even names his pieces. The photo titled "Dad" is of a daddy moose...look hard and you will see the antlers and the tail. the other photo is of he and Riley riding in the back of "Daddy's truck" although I think it looks more like the van. The front of the car has three lines that represent the horn honking, and the bubbles at the rear is "smoke." When I asked him where mommy was, he replied..."you are sitting next to me snuggling." he later changed his answer to "sitting next to dad in the front." I love the tread on the tires, the rear-view mirror, and the stop sign!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Let's go to the movies!

So....Dana and I thought it would be a great idea to take the kids to the movies to see Madagascar II. What started out as two ladies, 3 toddlers, and an infant soon grew to 2 ladies, 3 toddlers, an infant, two more kids and Kevin. What an adventure. We bought tickets for the 2:20 show and attempted to find seats. What our idea lacked, was remembering everyone is off on Veterans Day! It was so packed and there were no seats available so that we could all sit together. Our tickets were soon changed too the 4:20 show. That meant 2 hours of walking in the mall pre movie (those of you without kids...that is crazy with three toddlers!) Thank goodness for the food court! The second attempt at the movies was a success, barely. It was not so crowded and finding seats for the 9 of us to sit together was a lot easier. The movies was good, I recomend it to all. 5 popcorns, 9 drinks, 4 potty runs, and 2 hours later...we were all exausted and ready to go home to bed! We did it though, and it really was easy all things considered. Here is a photo of the gang...I really wanted a photo of all of us walking...the 7 of us were holding hands. Red Rover, Red Rover...

"Potty Party"

Riley is officialy out of diapers and pull-ups! She is still wetting the bed some nights, but we felt it appropriate to celebrate this milestone! the kids and I picked out a cake and had some friends over for a "Potty Party". It was more like a glorified playgroup with food. We hung out in the garage (for those of you who have not seen the garage, it is where the craft table and most outside toys are stored), and the kids seemed to really like it out there...I am going to have to keep this in mind when there is snow on the ground. Congratulations Riley!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

A day with Barbie

Walmart had a Barbie Day and Riley was really excited to meet her. She got all dressed up in her pretty princess dress and dressed up like "Princess Barbie". Camden was feeling a little left out and was anxious to see what Barbie looked like. After there were no girls around he really wanted a picture with Barbie too, and only if Riley went with him. It was really funny!

Lunch demands

Camden said the cutest thing this afternoon, "I do not want a PBJ for lunch I just want a 'J'"

I DID IT !!!

I RAN for a full mile today!!! At around 9:oo am this morning I stretched and set the treadmill to 5.1 miles an hour...and I ran for 12 minutes with a 30 second break! I am so psyched!!! I was sweating even after my shower, for about an hour. I just wanted to share with you all.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Yard Sale

So the weather here in upstate is CRAZY!!! The past two days have been 65 and sunny. Quite a change from last weeks 5" of snow. I decided to clean out my garage and throw a few tables together for an impromptu yard sale. Suprisingly, I did well for not advertising. The kids put a table together and sold Halloween candy for 25 cents, and they did well too. Riley is quite the hard worker. She sat for 3 1/2 hours waiting for customers (and eating her inventory) she did not venture too far from the candy table. I am very proud of her determination. She would get really excited when a car would drive by or a person would walk by...sadly they did not always stop and she would get a little sad and not understand why. Thanks to all my neighbors who stopped by and supported her determination. Camden on the other hand, let Riley do all the work and only went to the table to assist if he felt like it. What a poop-head. Here are some pics.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

CowGirl Riley

Riley was able to dress up for Dance class last Thursday, and she was a cowgirl. The outfit is very big on her, but she did not let that get in the way of her dancing.