Photo Booth

Photo Booth
Camden & Riley Best Buddies

About Me

I am 34 years old and live in upstate New York with my husband and two children. I love to write, read, cook, entertain, travel, and absorb the world around me. This blog is a family web page, and a place for me to share our adventures with all of you.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Most Museum

Today the kids and I went to the Most Museum in Syracuse. It was very cool. We rode in a simulator and "Journeyed to the Center of the Earth" It was a 4.5 minute ride and Riley was super excited, "Mom, I really like this ride." She said it with such enthusiasm within 30 seconds of the ride starting. By the 4 minute mark, she said, "I all done now." I think the motion was a bit too much. Later we tried climbing a rock wall, but the kiddos realized they were too small...they had fun trying to climb though. Finally, the kids climbed in a three story play yard, it was HUGE! After giving the kids strict instruction to stick together (specifically for Camden to stay with Riley and help her), I sat back and watched them. Camden learned really fast, that if you do not follow the rules you do not play. He came out of the play yard without Riley and she was no where near her, so he had to take a time out until she came out (about 8 minutes of no playing--how boring for a 4-year old). It worked, because when he went back in, he stayed close to her. When I called him to come out for a second(because I did not see Riley and wanted him to find her) he charged toward me, then turned around and grabbed Riley's hand (who apparently was not far from him--just out of my sight) and guided her down the steps to me. He came out saying, "Mom, are we being good listeners?" Translation: Mom, I was with Riley, don't make me sit out again. It was very cute. He ended up getting a black eye in the end though, from ball projected from an air gun. When asked what their favorite parts of the museum were, Camden replied that he liked the wall that showed our shadows, the giant 3 story windy slide from the fun house, and the KNEX station. Riley liked the black light room because their shoes and clothes glowed (so did our finger nails), Newtons Law on Gravity demonstration, and the simulator ride. My favorite part of the day was spending time with the kids and answering their inquisitions. The ride home was nice too, because they both took a nap!

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