Photo Booth

Photo Booth
Camden & Riley Best Buddies

About Me

I am 34 years old and live in upstate New York with my husband and two children. I love to write, read, cook, entertain, travel, and absorb the world around me. This blog is a family web page, and a place for me to share our adventures with all of you.

Friday, October 31, 2008

First Snow Day Oct 2008

The kids had a snow day and were able to play outside! Camden learned about snowball fights from watching "Spongebob" and could not wait to make a snowball and throw it. His first snowball consisted of loose snow with no shape at all. Once I showed him how to make a snowball, he had at it and would not stop...he is good too! Riley on the other hand loved EATING the snow, it did not matter what color it was yummy! After teaching her that we only eat white snow; she did fine. She loved making snow angels too! Both kids had a ball in the snow and were extremely excited to have a chance to experience the cold white stuff! This was the first time Riley has independently played in the snow too!

Happy Halloween!

Trick-or-treating was really fun this year...we had lots of compliments on our costumes. The kids held up most of the night, although Shaggy had a couple of melt downs. Velma napped, so she did really good. Fred and Daphne managed to keep up with the Shaggy and Scooby as they love to eat and were excited to recieve treats at each home we visited. Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween. The Scooby Gang certainly did! Fred, Daphne, Shaggy, Velma & Scooby Doo Doo

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Good Morning!

Yesterday I woke up and heard the weather forecast...but with all the weather pattern changes I did not really believe it. Even after snow flurries yesterday and last night I did not honestly think there would be any accumulation. Good Morning Snow! This is what we woke up to! The kids have no school today due to the weather and all they can talk about is going sledding (this is snow man snow, not sledding snow). I guess I will be heading out to get snow boots, snowsuits and jackets in a bit. For now I need to go to water aerobics and imagine I am swimming in the Mediterranean.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Costume Party

Today the kids and I went to Mili's (snow white) Halloween Party. We had a lot of are some pics of the costumes. We missed you Jen!

Scooby Doo Doo

As Riley says, "Scooby Doo Doo" is our Halloween Family are some photos of the kids...can you guess which character they are?!

Mommy's Helpers

Camden and Riley have been giving me a hard time by being defiant and constantly fighting with each other. But after a trip to Sam's Club, my great kids surprised me!!! I started unloading my van when a neighbor drove by and stopped to talk to me. The kids unloaded all of the grocery items behind my back, literally. When I turned around to resume unloading the kiddos they were standing by the van with huge smiles on their was empty!

Riley's manicure

Riley loved having her nails painted...purple with white flowers.

Camden's Black Eye

Two days after the initial hit to the eye, Camden's shiner really looked bad.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Is it Ballet or Thai Chi?

Here is Camden and Riley Dancing this afternoon to Tracy Chapman's CD "Fast Car" (Jen T. Thought you might like that) which they chose and played on their own. I was hysterical and have 4 videos to share with you. When I asked Camden who showed his how to dance like that he said, "Uncle Ryan." For those of you who do not know Ryan, he is my youngest brother. The only way Ryan would dance like that, might be if he was DRUNK! I hardly doubt Ryan showed Camden how to be a ballerina. This is just really funny. Watch if you want.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Riley's "Annie" interpretation

Riley loves the movie "Annie" and her favorite part is a scene early on when Annie escapes from the orphanage and meets Sandy (her dog) for the first time. If you have seen the movie or better yet, remember the movie, Annie saves Sandy from a group of older boys in a back alley where she fights them single handed and scares them away. Riley LOVES that scene and cracks up every time! Here is a video clip of her doing the Annie interpretation of scaring off the boys... Sorry it is sideways.


Today I am off to take the kids to the YMCA to go swimming for Family Swim time. Wish me luck...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Super Kids

The kids were hysterical when they watched their own clip! These are funny. Thank you Kelle for sharing this site with us! Camden & Riley were singing the theme song for about 20 minutes afterwards too...BEWARE, it is catchy. Click on each name to watch the clips.

The Most Museum

Today the kids and I went to the Most Museum in Syracuse. It was very cool. We rode in a simulator and "Journeyed to the Center of the Earth" It was a 4.5 minute ride and Riley was super excited, "Mom, I really like this ride." She said it with such enthusiasm within 30 seconds of the ride starting. By the 4 minute mark, she said, "I all done now." I think the motion was a bit too much. Later we tried climbing a rock wall, but the kiddos realized they were too small...they had fun trying to climb though. Finally, the kids climbed in a three story play yard, it was HUGE! After giving the kids strict instruction to stick together (specifically for Camden to stay with Riley and help her), I sat back and watched them. Camden learned really fast, that if you do not follow the rules you do not play. He came out of the play yard without Riley and she was no where near her, so he had to take a time out until she came out (about 8 minutes of no playing--how boring for a 4-year old). It worked, because when he went back in, he stayed close to her. When I called him to come out for a second(because I did not see Riley and wanted him to find her) he charged toward me, then turned around and grabbed Riley's hand (who apparently was not far from him--just out of my sight) and guided her down the steps to me. He came out saying, "Mom, are we being good listeners?" Translation: Mom, I was with Riley, don't make me sit out again. It was very cute. He ended up getting a black eye in the end though, from ball projected from an air gun. When asked what their favorite parts of the museum were, Camden replied that he liked the wall that showed our shadows, the giant 3 story windy slide from the fun house, and the KNEX station. Riley liked the black light room because their shoes and clothes glowed (so did our finger nails), Newtons Law on Gravity demonstration, and the simulator ride. My favorite part of the day was spending time with the kids and answering their inquisitions. The ride home was nice too, because they both took a nap!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Little Motzart

Apple Picking in Mexico, NY

Here are some pictures from our apple picking outing! The kids got to ride a horse, and go down a giant blow up slide! Camden was getting pretty daring at one point. We also went on a wagon ride, that would be the family photo taken by the tractor driver. I sure hope he wasn't drinking...the picture could have been a little more centered.