Photo Booth

Photo Booth
Camden & Riley Best Buddies

About Me

I am 34 years old and live in upstate New York with my husband and two children. I love to write, read, cook, entertain, travel, and absorb the world around me. This blog is a family web page, and a place for me to share our adventures with all of you.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Swimming was the highlight of the day with the kids! We went every morning (except Tuesday) for about 2 hours. We had one incident with Riley jumping into the pool on the first day, but by Friday, the kids were natural water bugs. We met a woman who helped teach Riley how to float in the pool, Riley fell in love with her and wanted to swim the breast stroke and the back stroke when the woman swam her laps. Watch out Michael Phelps, here comes Riley!
The kids loved running to the club house wherer the pool is.

Here is Camden waiting to go into the pool area.

Here is a picture of the pool and hot tub behind Camden...we were the only ones there every day except Friday.

The kids waiting patiently...

Camden sitting on the step...

Look closely, Riley can touch the bottom! She was so excited to be able to do this, but she would not let go of our hands. Monday she jumped into the pool and thought she could swim. It scared her enough to respect the water, but she is still fearless.

I can't believe I am posting this picture, but we all did enjoy swim time.

Kevin enjoyed the hot tub the most...and swimming with the kids.


Its a water bug!

Its super water bug!

Riley swimming with Dad.

Bundled up and ready for lunch. Bye Pool! Here is a video clip of Camden swimming under water. He could touch the bottom for about 10 feet of the pool so he got pretty comfortable jumping into the water and taught himself how to swim under water. He would not try with his head out of water, but loved "diving." Here he is diving and swimming to Dad.

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