Here is a small video clip of Riley singing her ABC's. She gets stuck near R, but the reason it gets cut is that my video card ran out of memory. Here she is, all inked up!
Sorry it's sideways!
Earth, Air, Fire & Water are the four elements that represent the natural resistance between love and conflict. These elements surround me daily, and it is with great acceptence that I find peace within each one.
Here is a small video clip of Riley singing her ABC's. She gets stuck near R, but the reason it gets cut is that my video card ran out of memory. Here she is, all inked up!
Sorry it's sideways!
Doesn't her belly look like hyroglyphics? I am telling you, she has a mind all her own and she is VERY DETERMINED!
Here is a picture of the pool and hot tub behind Camden...we were the only ones there every day except Friday.
The kids waiting patiently...
Camden sitting on the step...
Look closely, Riley can touch the bottom! She was so excited to be able to do this, but she would not let go of our hands. Monday she jumped into the pool and thought she could swim. It scared her enough to respect the water, but she is still fearless.
Kevin enjoyed the hot tub the most...and swimming with the kids.
Its a water bug!
Bundled up and ready for lunch. Bye Pool!
Here is a video clip of Camden swimming under water. He could touch the bottom for about 10 feet of the pool so he got pretty comfortable jumping into the water and taught himself how to swim under water. He would not try with his head out of water, but loved "diving." Here he is diving and swimming to Dad.
The kids entertained themselves for most of the trip. Here they are listening to their DVD via headphones, a first for us. This allowed Kevin and I to listen to music or talk without background was GREAT!
Here I am, the navigator to the pilot, and mediator to the back seat club.
The kids each have a back pack strictly for travel that is filled with toys, games, books, and other fun filled items to entertain them on our car trips. I keep it packed and ready all the time and they are only allowed to use these items when we travel (so they do not tire of them). Here, is a picture of a train that Camden drew all by himself. Kevin and I are still suprised he drew it! The sad thing is, it is better than any train I can draw!
Camden & Riley Tuesday morning, waiting for their friends to arrive for an end of summer playgroup. (Look at Camden, can you believe he had a 104.6 temp 2 hours later?)
Riley, Kimberly, and Anna having a summer picnic the day before school starts!
Riley eating breakfast on the front porch before school.
In front of the cubbies!
Playing with magnets at school.
Riley running to greet Mom at the end of the day...just before Ms. Nancy stopped her and reminded her to use walking feet inside. She is going to be my trouble maker...hahaha.
Camden coming to greet Mom and Dad at the end of the day...he is not as enthused as Riley. Been there, done that.
The End...
of the first day at school.