Photo Booth

Photo Booth
Camden & Riley Best Buddies

About Me

I am 34 years old and live in upstate New York with my husband and two children. I love to write, read, cook, entertain, travel, and absorb the world around me. This blog is a family web page, and a place for me to share our adventures with all of you.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Much Needed Play Date!

We had FUN today! After not having friends to play with most of the summer, I watched two of the kids friends today. It was four toddlers under four years old and me. Camden and Riley each had a friend over and we did A LOT! The girls played dress up, the boys cruiesed the neighborhood on the Jeep, the girls held a newborn baby, and the boys played cars and chase. Here are some pictures to capture the story...
Our guests arrived and Camden wrote a message in the driveway, ON HIS OWN, I did not help him except when he asked how to spell HOME...he already had H O M written, he just needed an E. It was so nice to see him try to spell...I am very proud of him. The message says, "Camden Home" supposed to read "Camden's Home".

Camden and Shawn were cruising the neighborhood strip looking for the chicas...what handsome boys! Love the shades!

Typical girls, perhaps sharing beauty least they are parked, and wearing a seatbelt.

Those beauty products paid off, the boys found some girls!

Aaawwww, Riley and Shawn on a little drive

Riley and Madison look like twins from behind...they are two peas in a pod.

Princesses for the day! The girls let me put their hair in an updo and they both wanted to wear pink princess dresses and crowns! True Royalty!

Ms. Dana brought her 1 month old McKayla over today for a visit. The girls took turns holding the baby. At one point, I was standing up holding McKayla and the girls started reaching their arms up asking to hold "me baby" There was even elbowing and pushing. You would have thought they were bridesmaids fighting for the brides boquet! They both loved McKayla! Riley helped me feed the baby and all of the kids liked patting the baby on the back to burp her.

After holding McKayla; Madison and Riley played little Mommies and pushed their babies in strollers up and down the street. I can not get over how much these two bossom buddies look alike, especially in the matching dresses!

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