Photo Booth

Photo Booth
Camden & Riley Best Buddies

About Me

I am 34 years old and live in upstate New York with my husband and two children. I love to write, read, cook, entertain, travel, and absorb the world around me. This blog is a family web page, and a place for me to share our adventures with all of you.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pirate Days Parade

We went back to see the Pirate Parade. There was this man next to us that I was about to elbow. He was so rude and running out to get the beads, candy, and goodies that were thrown out o the kids. One lady on a float even tried to throw goodies to my kids and he kept intervening. I was appalled. Other than that, we had a great time, and the kids really did not know any different. I love Pirate tough does he look!?
Camden took this photo. Jen, notice the cap Kevin is wearing?


Waiting patiently for the parade.

Camden and Pirate Jreck with Sponge Bob

A pirate and a poppin!

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