Photo Booth

Photo Booth
Camden & Riley Best Buddies

About Me

I am 34 years old and live in upstate New York with my husband and two children. I love to write, read, cook, entertain, travel, and absorb the world around me. This blog is a family web page, and a place for me to share our adventures with all of you.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Camp of the Woods Friday Afternoon--Bye Bye, we will miss you!

This is the room where we stayed for the week, we were on the second floor, These pictures were taken on our last day just before we left!!! The view from our porch out the back door. We stayed in Witchita Building #24...the door on the top to the right of the photo. Photo from front to back of the room...this is the door to our porch that looked out over the beach and lake. Photo from back to front of the room...this is the door we walked into from the top deck.

Friday, August 13, 2010


We are heading to the Christian campround and are looking forward to a week of worship, motivation, challenge, fun, and great food!!! The kids and I will be going for the week, given to us by our church. Unfortunately, Kevin is not able to attend this time due to work obligations.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Camden

When celebrating a birthday in our house we tend to make it a big deal...not just the milestone of turning a year older but celebrating the last day of the year we outgrow. This year for Camden's birthday we spent the day our on the boat and had a family picnic in the park...Camden rode a roller coaster for the first time...BY HIMSELF!!! I was a nervous wreck until I saw his face and realized he was ENJOYING every minute of it!!! You can see the roller coaster in the background of the family picnic photo. Camden also got his first real bloody nose on his last day of being 5. He dived off the aft of the boat and landed nose first on Riley...we had true UPs and DOWNs that day! The small picnic cake for Camden. Riley and I playing with the camera. Riley took this can see the roller coaster that Camden rode by himself in the background. The Erie Canal where we docked the boat for the night. For Camden's first day of being 6 he celebrated with a handful of friends riding go-karts, eating pizza, enjoing the batting cages and eating chocolate cake!!! A birthday to remember! He recieved lots of lego themed gifts, sports equipment, and Mario gear! All systems complete. Camdens Birthday Cake...I attempted two cakes the night before, but ended up going with a store bought cake because mine did not work out!!! Walmart was great in helping a very stressed Mom with the cake situation on very short notice! Jayden, Max, and Camden Riley and Kimberly The guy that worked at the go-kart place...He was AWESOME!!!! Pretending to blow out candles, since I did not bring the lighter...and it was extremely windy. Batting Cage Kids in Karts