Photo Booth

Photo Booth
Camden & Riley Best Buddies

About Me

I am 34 years old and live in upstate New York with my husband and two children. I love to write, read, cook, entertain, travel, and absorb the world around me. This blog is a family web page, and a place for me to share our adventures with all of you.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Meeting Cooper

My brother Ryan, sister-in-law Erin, and nephew Cooper, came to NY to visit for a few days! We had a blast...Kevin was funny because he seemed to really enjoy having the baby around; I think he held the baby almost as much as I did! I loved snuggling Cooper and kissing on his soft little head and cheeks. Camden said, "babies are so cute" but refused to interact with him much unless it was to hold him for a picture. And Riley...SHE was in her GLORY! She could not wait to give the baby a bottle. Ryan and Erin took the kids for ice cream one evening, and Camden loved playing in Lake Ontario with Uncle Ryan. Riley enjoyed Auntie Erin, and when we went out to eat she wanted to sit next to her at dinner. I really enjoyed having them here to visit. Cant wait to do it again!!! Thanks Guys.


I took the kids to drive golf balls last week for the first time...Camden really picked it are a couple of videos.

Riley and her friends

Riley has been friends with Kimberly and Anna since September 2007. The three girls are so different and yet they compliment one and other so well. There should be a movie about them! These pictures were taken at Anna's birthday party. The girls eating Pixie Sticks Anna kissing Riley for giving her Horse Back Riding Lessons as part of her gift. Kimberly and Riley playing around.

Talking on the phone with Mimi

Camden's First Loose Tooth

Camden has had a wiggly tooth for quite a few months and it seems like it never loosened. Until miraculously overnight, it wiggled every which way. Camden worked at the tooth for a full day and finally pulled his tooth around 8:45 pm on June 27th. The tooth fairy came a day later per Camden's request, and the tooths worth....$5, plus a wii Game! The toothfairy responded to a note camden wrote to him, and so Camden now knows his toothfairy by name...Scott. Apparently there are many toothfairies out there and they are assigned to children...did you know that? Man life is way more complicated these days compared to when we were young.

Visiting the Dudrow's in MSP

On our way home from Iowa, we stopped in Minniapolis to visit my cousin Brian and his family. We were only able to visit for a couple of hours, however it was nice to see my relatives, and meet one of the newest additions to the family.