Photo Booth

Photo Booth
Camden & Riley Best Buddies

About Me

I am 34 years old and live in upstate New York with my husband and two children. I love to write, read, cook, entertain, travel, and absorb the world around me. This blog is a family web page, and a place for me to share our adventures with all of you.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Extended Family News!!!!--MUST READ

I am so proud of my "baby" brother Ryan! He has really put a lot of heart into the Teen Weight Loss Program at Mt. Ararat High School. It only takes one person to make a huge difference in a persons life, and he has truely done a wonderful job helping teens through his role as a Physical Education Teacher. It would be so nice to see all teachers have his enthusiasm and passion for their students. I am very proud of you Ryan. Watch the video clip above for yourself. PS Also a BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO RYAN & ERIN ON YOUR PREGNANCY!!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Saturday Fun

This morning the kids decided to play cowboy/cowgirl, and combine it with being detectives. So I played "Blues Clues combined with Scooby Doo" (sorta). I made up hints on sticky notes and stuck them all around the upstairs. Then I told the kids a story about something mising. 1st story: "Mommy is missing a sock and I have reason to believe one of your animal friends might have taken it. Can you follow the clues and figure out who took my sock and find out where they hid it?" Off they went on a little scavenger hunt. Once they found all of the clues, they had to try and solve the mystery. They had so much fun that I made up a second story and added more clues to lengthen the game while I took a shower. It worked too! 2nd story: "Mommy is missing a very special bracelet that Riley made for me. I think somebody might have tried to borrow it and forgot to put it back." The kids had to find 7 clues and then piece the clues together. This was really neat to play with the kids and the 5 minutes it took me to hide an item, write out the clues, and then hide them was worth the 15-20 minutes it took the kids to play the game.

Star Gazing

Ever since I moved into our home, I have thoroughly enjoyed my front porch; especially during Autumn! When Camden was a year old and I was pregnant with Riley, Camden and I would sit outside and look at the stars, snuggle, talk, and tell stories, we would wait for Dad to come home, and almost always Camden would sit outside until he fell asleep. Last night was our first night this Autumn of star gazing and we celebrated with hot cocoa and pumpkin dip (see my favorite recipes). Both kiddos fell asleep all bundled up in their blankets...did I mention it got down to 38 degrees?!

Family Outing

While Kevin's parents were visiting we went down to one of our Fall family favorite spots for a fun day of wagon rides, corn mazes, pony rides, and of course APPLES!

The Chief Pinning Ceremony

Here are the ceremony photos!

Even Boys can go to the SPA!!!

This was too cool, that I had to post the pics! I desperately needed a pedicure and manicure before Kevin's big Chief Pinning Ceremony. It was 7:30 pm the night before and I had not gone because I was busy running around getting details finalized for the afterparty. I knew Riley would go in a heart beat, but Camden would be bored and restless for an hour or more sitting and watching the girls get their nails done...sooooooo, I convinced him that boys can have their nails taken care of too! The big selling point was that he did not get polish put on his nails, and he would get to sit in a massage chair! After about 15 minutes of persuasion, he was in. Here are the photos to prove it! OH! As soon as Camden got his socks and shoes off and sat down, he had to use the the man doing Camden's nails convinced him to wear Riley's rainbow flip flops to walk to the restroom...Man the poor kid (Riley's flip flops are as girly as they come with fancy sparkles and jewels)!

Our visit with Gen and James

While I was in Maine I got to see some old friends. I have known Gen since 9th grade...and we have truely been through A LOT together. We are connected somehow, and when we get together, there is truely a strong kinship. We went to the Great Impasta for dinner and her son James wanted an apple for dessert...since the kids and I went apple picking earlier that day we had one we could spare!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

We are back!

My intentions in Maine were to blog once each week, however I did not have internet access where we were staying. Here is the recap: Our visit to Maine was nice, however it was very hectic! Kevin was busy working for the Navy and preparing for the Chief pinning ceremony. The kids and I went up to Greenville, Maine for a couple of nights and stayed in our cabin at Moosehead Lake. While we were there we went hiking on the Adirondak trail, about 1.5 miles, went shopping, and swam in the clubhouse pool. Before we left, I snapped a few photos of the kids in and out of the cabin. Next we went back to Brunswick, and went fishing, apple picking, we flew our kites, and visited family and friends. Wednesday, September 16th, was the Chief pinning ceremony in which Kevin asked me to pin on his anchors. That was a great honor, and I am very proud of him! On Friday, Kevin took me to the Khaki Ball, a dinner to welcome all new Chiefs. It was very elegant and fun! I loved being in a room full of adults! We are now back home in NY, and I am desperately trying to get back into our daily routine. It is quite hard when you have company!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Back to Maine

The family is going to Maine for the next couple of weeks to celebrate and support Kevin making Chief in the US Navy. The kids and I are going to Moosehead Lake for a couple of nights this comming week, then back to Brunswick for the following week. Some things I hope to do while we are there: Fishing, apple picking, hiking, shopping, resting, reading, museuming (hows that one sound?!) and of course visiting.

Thomas Jefferson Education

I went to a seminar last week discussing the Thomas Jefferson Education. I am very interested in this form of education for my children. As a mentor, teaching my children revolves around their interests and passions; it is with this that I hope to raise great leaders. I have posted a few links regarding this method on my homeschool link, and I highly recommend the book to get a better understanding.