Photo Booth

Photo Booth
Camden & Riley Best Buddies

About Me

I am 34 years old and live in upstate New York with my husband and two children. I love to write, read, cook, entertain, travel, and absorb the world around me. This blog is a family web page, and a place for me to share our adventures with all of you.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Chicken and Gravy

Check out a yummy Kraft recipe that I tried for the family tonight under my links to the right.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Summer Extras

When we came home between travels, the family went to A-Bay and played a game of Chess. Camden and I vs. Riley and Dad. The winners...Camden and Mommy! That's right, We kicked some major butt in les than 15 minutes! The Slip-n-Slide was given to us by Auntie Sue, and Camden fell in love with it after he finally tried it. He was reluctant at first, but after about 45 minutes, he took the plunge.

Back to CT

On our way back to NY, we stopped in CT for a couple more nights. Grandma and Grandpa took us to the Italian festival where Grandpa enjoyed being a kid again! It was really nice to see family the past couple of weeks.


The kids went fishing for the first time in Maine. Camden loved it, although he was getting upset that Riley kept catching the fish. He even snuck in and took her spot, and when she moved to his spot, she caught another one. It is a hard fact for the Holmes Men, but the girls will always be better fishers! After patiently waiting, Camden did catch a couple of fish, PHEW! It was nice to see the kids learn to fish where I learned to fish with my brothers, at about the same age.

Visiting Uncle Ryan

Uncle Ryan's house was FUN! The kids must have jumped into the living room for at least an hour non stop. This was the highlight of seeing Uncle Ryan. Camden was curious about the motorcycle, so he got to sit on the back while Ryan backed it out of the garage. After visiting we went back to Mimi and Pappi's house and then off to pan for gems.

Trip to Maine

Our first day in Maine was actually fairly nice...NO RAIN! Pappi took the kids for a ride on the four wheeler around the yard. The kids and I made a few trips to Rocky Ridge Orchard where Camden loved the old truck, and Riley loved the honey sticks. I loved the COOKIES so much i brought back a couplpe dozen to freeze. I must have eaten half on the way home though...YUMMMY!

Trip to Connecticut

The kids and I took a trip to Connecticut to visit my grandparents. We spent about 4 days with them and and their puppy Max. We were able to go to Grandpa's shop, go swimming, play bocce, and spend some nice qulity time together. We then went up to Maine to visit my parents. On our way up my college friend Kathy was on her way back from visiting her grandpartents in Augusta and was heading back to South Carolina. It was great that wer were able to meet for an hour even though it was only in passing. I got to hold her new baby girl!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Summer Days and Farmer Boy Field Trip

Here are some random photos taken during the beginning of summer. Our neighbors came over for a guys night to roast hot dogs and play baseball. Thanks Ryan and Kyle! The LEAH organization participated in a field trip this year to Stone Mills, where a farm was converted to resemble early 1900's. The kids and I had a ball. There are just to many photos to download. Camden got to play a washboard, and milk a goat. Riley enjoyed the school house and writing with a plume.

Dance Recital

Riley had a successful dance recital again this year. She had two shows in the same day and managed to get through it without any meltdowns. Before each show, there is a warm-up on stage for an hour. I think Riley liked this almost as much as performing. She loves to dance! She will be taking ballet this fall and possibly a jazz/hip hop combo class.


Camden enjoyed playing T-ball on Tuesday's and Thursday's throughout the month of June. His friend Shawn came to watch during one game with his family, and that made Camden feel like a star! Baseball has been a favorite past time this past summer for our family.

Wizards Baseball

The Watertown Wizards are our AA Baseball team. The kids and I enjoyed a few nights watching the Wizards play. A couple of times the kids were invited to go on the field and participate in the YMCA song. Camden caught a ball during one game. And Riley got a free sno cone during one game. The Wizard Games are sooooo much fun!

A Great Start To Summer

Our summer started off with a visit from our cousins in Maryland. The highlight of their visit was learning how to jumprope. At one point three of them were jumping at the same time. Not bad for kids ranging from three to six.