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About Me
- Sonia
- I am 34 years old and live in upstate New York with my husband and two children. I love to write, read, cook, entertain, travel, and absorb the world around me. This blog is a family web page, and a place for me to share our adventures with all of you.
Friday, March 20, 2009
The Sickies
Camden has been fairly healthy the past 10 months, however March is here and once again we face the threat of pneumonia. Right now he has Type A Influenza that started out as 4 days with a 102-104 temp, and then following that a horrible cough through the night time. The docotor feels that as long as he doesnt get the temperature back he should be fine, but in the case of another temperature spike we will have his lungs x-rayed to check for the always occuring pneumonia. He has missed school this whole week, but the upside to that is that Riley was able to attend school without Camden and she really loved it! I too now have a head cold/flu and hope that all the tea I am drinking is going to help me get better! Kevin was great yesterday, he picked up Riley at school and took her to lunch at Friendly's (her favorite place along with Pizza Hut) then ran errands with her and even took an hour off from work so he could take her to ballet class. I was home napping in the sunshine that shines through my sliding glass doors, while Camden was resting on the couch watching TV. Later that evening after dance, Kevin dropped Riley off and left for work around 5:00. Before Kevin was out of the driveway, Camden had fallen asleep on the Chaise Lounge in the playroom and was out for the night! What a nice low energy day!
The Rickman's Tree Service: A full family operation
Interactive Basketball
Back to the Most Museum
We went back to the Most Museum this past weekend. It was Kevins first time there and a beautiful day to go. Unfortunately Camden spiked a temp and we had to shorten our visit.
Riley enjoyed an interactive science game, while Camden and Kevin were learning about flying a plane. Riley was determined to try to climb the rock wall then found it easier to dig for dinosaur bones. I could not resist the plumber butt shot!
Flower Girls
Family Fun
Our PetCo trip!
As most of you know Kevin is allergic to most animals. Sadly we can not have any pets, so we have special trips to Petco to see the animals and walk around pushing the small carts. This trip was a little different since we have Webkinz pets now. Camden and Riley treat their Webkinz pets like family and interact online taking great care of them. The kids pushed their pets around and (only because their was a major sale) they shopped for pet clothes in the dog aisle. I think we spent a little over an hour there.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
My second race
I ran a 2.2 mile race today in observation of St. Patricks day! I have not run in nearly a month so I was happy with my time at 29 min. and 34 seconds. That is a little over a 13 minute mile. I am feeling it tonight big time and my calfs are very sore! Kevin and the kids were there to cheer me on and kevin even took some pictures of me before the race and crossing the finish line.
It was a little chilly but by the end of the race I didn't even feel the temp...just the pain and the excitement from finishing! It was nice to have Kevin and the kids there to support me.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Last night after dinner (about 7:00) I took the kids out and let them rollerblade down the street for about 20 minutes. They had seen our neighbors skating earlier and had wanted to try. Because it was dark, I did not snap any pictures. So today, despite the cold freezing rain, we went out and skated again (after the rain had stopped of course!). Here are some clips for your enjoyment.
Ryan, Keely, Camden, and big happy family. Thanks Ryan for teaching the kids to skate!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
quick catch up
I realize I have not written in a couple of weeks, so here is the quick version to catch you all up. I have signed Camden up for T-ball to start in June! He is so excited and can't wait! The past couple of weeks have been exhausting for me, I have mainly been researching home schooling, and exploring my alternative options for education. Kevin went to Iowa to visit his family this past weekend, while the kiddos and I enjoyed some time home and in Syracuse. Riley had her Orthopedic appointment, and her legs are fine for now (we will go back in a year). Also, Riley will be re-evaluated for her speech delay within the next couple of weeks. Both kids and Kevin have been fending off colds for about 10 days now, and everything came to a head on Wednesday. Monday night the kids and I stayed the night in Syracuse at "the hotel" (as Camden puts it), and enjoyed some quality time together. I took the kids swimming at the hotel pool Tuesday morning and Camden practiced the breast stroke. He has raw talent! I have had a few lady's nights the past couple of weeks as well, much deserved, and have gained some great insight from my girl talks. Thank you lady's, you all know who you are. I think this sums up the highlights and catches everyone up. I will try to do better to keep everyone posted!
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