Photo Booth

Photo Booth
Camden & Riley Best Buddies

About Me

I am 34 years old and live in upstate New York with my husband and two children. I love to write, read, cook, entertain, travel, and absorb the world around me. This blog is a family web page, and a place for me to share our adventures with all of you.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Must Watch for a great LAUGH

Here are some videos of of our family fun day SLEDDING! Don't laugh too hard, you might pee your pants!

Don't Get Sick, Can You Say Dizzy?

Just watch the video!

Monday, January 26, 2009

School work

Here are some worksheets that Camden and Riley have done at school as well as a grocery list Camden wrote for me while I was making breakfast. I am very proud of the kids.

Hair Status

Here are the final photos! and YES Jen, I am still wearing my Moosehead Hoody! LOL

Boomer the Frog is Visiting our Home

Camden has been a hard worker at school and has been a good student so Boomer the Frog, the class friend, gets to come stay with us for the week! We welcomed Boomer by taking him to Pizza Hut after school today. He and Camden colored and ate Cheesy Bread Sticks! Welcome Boomer. After School, Camden and Boomer watched Dora and Diego, then played with Riley, and he introduced Boomer to Poky the Frog (his webkinz friend). I think we are going to make Boomer a bed for his week long visit with us.

Snowy Day, Go Away

So we are getting slammed with yet another snowstorm! I think our front yard has about 4' of snow and accumulating more with each day. On the way home from dropping the kids off this morning I lost traction on the road and drove right through a snow bank and into a ditch! How exciting...NOT. I am fine, but it totally wasted my day, not to mention I have to fix the front end of my van. I didnt even think to take pictures when I was waiting for the tow truck, but if I get the chance to take a picture of the damage, I will upload a shot for you all to see. In the meantime, enjoy the snowy photo of our house and for those of you who miss snow, enjoy the video!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Revised 'do

Ok, so here is an evening shot of the new hair...I will update the photos with a photo of me in natural sunlight tomorrow. This is for all of you that can't wait to see the new 'do. So far I like it alot better. I'll let you know after I see it in the morning sun!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

New Look

So the long winter up here and lack of sunshine has made me feel a little pale. I decided I wanted to lighten my hair to brighten my look. It looks great at night, but in the bright sunshine it is way to bright for me...I will be going to the hairdresser tomorrow to have it fixed. Here is a picture of my hair in the sun, and two at night under lamp light. I definitely like the blonde, but I do not dig the brassy look during the day.

Hannah Montana

Riley is completely into Hannah Montana these days...she even has told me she wants to see Hannah Montana sing on stage. How does a 3-year old know about concerts?! So we got a H.M. wig and Camden was just as curious about it as Riley. I think he looks like one of the Nelson Brothers...if that doesnt take you back to our younger years.

Funky Gunky Junky Cookies

Every once in a while I throw all the extra baking ingredients (ie choco chips, m&m's, marshmallows, whatever I haven't used but do not have enought to use in anything) into a bowl and make Funky Gunky Junky Cookies. I was watching Dana's kiddos so I had a lot of helpers. I totally love Baby did her Mommy! McKayla enjoyed reaching for all of the cookie cutters, and wooden spoons in reach. Riley loves babies, and she was quite the little babysitter helper too. She layed on the floor infront of McKayla (who was sitting in her car carrier) and colored pictures to show McKayla, she also had to show McKayla ALL of her baby dolls. Later, Ms. Dana let Riley feed McKayla babyfood. She beamed from ear to ear!


The kids enjoyed their first experience sledding a couple of weeks ago. Riley of course was the first one down the hill...she is my adventurer. At one point Riley let go of her sled and it went down the hill without her. Camden was a trooper, he went down on his sled and carried both sleds up the hill. We had fun!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Weather Update

It has been a very long winter thus far, with the first snow fall mid October. Well, I woke up this morning to another snow storm...this one the worst by far. We got 2 feet of snow in less than 8 hours! It appears to have stopped for the moment but is projected to snow again this evening and then on and off through Monday! The temperatures have been below zero all week and then this! The white snow is pretty and very fluffy...that will last for about an hour...then the snow plow will come by and oola dirty snow again. I would say we have about 3 feet of snow in the yard right now.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Fitness Update

I stepped on the scale today after realizing my pants were really loose...I finally got off my plateau! Six lbs lighter, and I notice it! My watch, once way to tight on my wrist, now needs to be taken in a link. I am excited. I started swimming and shooting hoops last week, I think the cardio is really doing me good. I have so much energy, but I am really SORE! I am using muscles I did not even realize I had. I still am running, and lifting weights, and am working on strengthening and toning my core. NOW, if only I made myself do SBD hardcore again!!! I'll upload a photo of me soon!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Funny Time

I was really grumpy yesterday, but somehow the kids really know when I need them. Camden and Riley were trying really hard to make me laugh by making funny faces. I laughed non stop when Camden sucked in his stomach and said "look mom, I have boobies!" We later took candid shots of the three of us making faces at the camera. We laughed at ourselves and how funny we looked.

Friday, January 2, 2009

A hairy decission

I really want to do something with my hair...I feel like the color is to dark for my light skin. I want something that will enhance my eyes. Any suggestions, or thoughts? Take the poll to the right for a vote on my hair color.

Girls Day Out

Riely and I found some great deals at the mall, as well as primped and pampered ourselves. Riley is showing off her hair and ring in these pictures...

Friendly's Fun

January 1st, Riley and I started the New Year with a Girls day! We went to the Mall and shopped from 11 a.m. till 3:30 p.m. and then headed over to Friendly's for lunch and ice cream! Here are some pictures of us goofing off while we waited for our food. Here is a close up of Riley's Hair Clip...She LOVES how long the hair is!

A visit with Uncle Aaron, Stephanie, and Megan

On their way back to Connecticut from Michigan, Uncle Aaron, Stephanie, and her sister Meghan met us in Syracuse for dinner and a ride on the Carousel at the Mall. It was nice to visit with them. Here are the pictures!

Riley's Birthday

Riley turned 3 the day after Christmas, so we celebrated princess style! I made everything downstairs as pink as humanly possible and Riley dressed up as Cinderiley for the day! She was all smiles! I made the cake (purple--requested by the birthday girl) the night before and decorated it so that when she came down in the morning she could see it. Since Daddy had to work that night, we let her open a couple of gifts before he left, every 2 hours or so. Later that evening, our neighbors stopped by dressed as princesses to celebrate and have "purple" cake. It was a really fun day, and Camden was a super Prince that day too!

Sugar Plum

Here is a cute picture of Riley in her tap recital costume from last June. She really knows how to work the camera!