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About Me
- Sonia
- I am 34 years old and live in upstate New York with my husband and two children. I love to write, read, cook, entertain, travel, and absorb the world around me. This blog is a family web page, and a place for me to share our adventures with all of you.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
For all you SAHM's
As a Stay At Home Mom, I find it difficult to allow the title of Bread Winner to go to my husband although he does make 99.9% of the household income. In one of our heated discussions about pulling weight I decided to do a little research on the net to get a rough idea of what my stay at home status really would pay. This was fun to share with Kevin. Check out the website to the right or below and see what you make. And for those men out there curious to know what your stay at home pay is, you can check it out too!!! Have fun!
Mom Salary Wizzard
Monday, December 22, 2008
Our Days Events!
Well I finally feel like I can enjoy the holiday! My house is in order, Shopping is done, and the kids are being exceptionally well behaved. Camden's latest thing is to help me in any way possible, even with Riley. I believe he thinks he is a little adult sometimes. The other day I was trying to put Riley down for a nap on the couch while Camden was playing quietly in the playroom. Riley kept asking what Camden was doing, so I told her that he was taking a nap on the purple chair (a small white lie) so she insisted on seeing for herself. After about 45 minutes of trying to deter her, Camden sat on the purple chair and closed his eyes so that Riley could see that he was taking a nap too. What a great sport he was, and very convincing. And Riley actually calmed down and rested for an hour!
Riley had her 3 year check up today too! (she will be three the day after Christmas--lucky girl) She weighs 37 lbs. and is 39.5 inches tall. I was told she is in the 95 percentile for weight and 90 percentile for height. There are no major health issues, but Doctor Kardooni did recomend a hearing test because he feels Riley is not speaking as clear as a child of her age should. Also, she will be seeing an orthopedic specialist for her "knock knees" the beginning of the year. She is in great health and with any luck will not be back any time soon.
The kids are excited for Christmas and are counting down the days. Today we recieved five boxes of gifts from various family members. The kids were excited to put the gifts under the tree. It looks really pretty.
Riley recieved a birthday card today from a neighbor. She would not give it up to save her life. I told her it was to be opened in four days, on her birthday, so I should put it on the fridge with her other cards and gifts. She replied, "Me put it in me bedroom till me birthday." and then ventured up to her room. I followed her to see what she was going to do with the card, she showed Camden, then Daddy, and carried it with her from room to room. I finally gave in, and let her open it. When she heard the ok, she did not think twice and tore into the card! She has not let it out of her sight since she recieved it. The girl LOVES mail!!!
We will be baking tomorrow, and spending the day doing Christmas stuff as a family. I'll keep you all posted.
The Nutcracker
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Christmas Show
I'm Back!
Hello all! I finally bought a camera, so I will be uploading some pics soon! For those techy friends the camera is a Canon Powershot SD 880 IS. Sorry for the long gap in time between posts. We have been very busy the past couple of weeks; however, I will now be updating the blog every couple of days or so.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
My camera has been broken for about three weeks now, and I am so bummed because I have not been able to take pics of the cute things the kids do. I have however been using my cell phone sorry about the picture quality. Here is a pic of Riley in her new boots! I sware they make her look like she is 6 years old. She will be three on December 26th...and she is soooo excited!

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